Welcome to WG Data Gate!

Here you can create data stream and use it to save data from requests with described structure (form submissions, curl requests etc.).

Data stream is a container for requests with appropriate ID of stream.
Just send GET or POST request to wgdg.wargaming.net/api/submit/ to save it.
To provide information about stream use data_stream parameter containing necessary ID.

To describe stream structure (parameter names, validation rules) use JSON syntax where fields are names of parameters and values are validation rules for them.

For example, structure of simple subscribe form:

        "user_email": {
                        "email": "",
                        "length": {
                                    "min": "10",
                                    "max": "75"
                        "notBlank": ""
        "user_name": {
                        "regex": {
                                    "pattern": "/^[a-z0-9_-]{3,15}$/"

All validation filters are described on "Add new stream" page

Json manual: w3schools.com, codecademy
Regex manual: php.net